About Me

Born and raised in New Zealand, I embarked on a journey to the United States in 2019 after impulsively deciding to enter the green card lottery. Throughout my life, music has played a significant role as both a passion and a career. I've devoted much of my adult life to music production and music education. While my passion for music remains unwavering, I've discovered a newfound interest in programming that has ignited a desire to pursue a fresh career path in the technology sector as a programmer.

My job hunt has now officially begun. I successfully completed a 14-week coding bootcamp with Awesome Inc, which concluded on August 30, 2023. During the bootcamp, I gained proficiency in JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React, Next.js, Django, and Django Rest Framework. You can explore the projects I've completed on my GitHub and portfolio page, check them out! This marks just the beginning of my coding journey, and I'll be maintaining a 30-hour study schedule per week. I plan to refine what I've learnt and delve into new languages and frameworks that I find intriguing. Feel free to reach out!

Brad Kerr