(WEEK 1)

Was your first week what you expected? Why? Why not?

It begins. Going into this, I didn't have any preconceptions about what the bootcamp would be like or how it would be structured, so I can't say either way that it was or wasn't what I expected. It seems so far that the boot camp strikes a good balance between self problem solving which prepares us of what an actual job environment would be like, yet having the tutors there to help us out if we hit a blocker. What struck me out of the gate, is how quickly I am going to have to adapt to being in a learning environment again. The last time I was in school was about 8 years ago so it's been a fair minute. It's a little intimidating but I am up for a challenge and I'm curious to see how well I will be able to retain all this new information. Big Ups to the tutors and the rest of the class, everybody has been very supportive and helpful.

What are you excited or eager to learn more about?

The thing I am looking forward to the most is getting to the point where I have a big picture understanding of the entire process. Right now it feels like I am doing a jigsaw puzzle, not yet aware of the picture that will be created. I want to be able to create an app or interactive website from go to whoa! If I had to be more specific though, I'm looking forward to both Javascript and Python as they seem to be the nuts and bolts of coding.

What is something about you that can be learned by reading this blog?

As a little background, I am originally from New Zealand and moved here impulsively in 2019 after winning a green card in a lottery. My primary hobbies are playing guitar, rock climbing and just recently coding. One thing people may not know about me is that I use to work as a deckhand in the superyacht industry in Europe.