(WEEK 2)

What are your thoughts about the roles HTML, CSS, and JavaScript play in the process of rendering content and providing user experience?

This week was the second week of our onboarding process. We were introduced to HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The anology I have latched onto is that HTML is the builder, CSS is the artist and JavaScript is the wizard. They each play an important and unique role in the creation of an app or webpage.

What are your thoughts on pseudocoding?

Another concept we have been introduced to is the idea of Pseudocidng. It didn't strike me immediately why pseudocoding is important, but once I understood that programming is essentially just logic based problem solving I realised it's importance. The particular language you use is really just the tool you are using to solve the problem. Merely knowing how to use the tools and resources required to build a house doesn't mean you are going to be able to build a house. To be able to create what you are wanting to create requires the step by step knowledge and wisdom of how to do so. That is what good pseudocode is!

What was helpful during Onboarding that made working remotely easier?

Before onboarding I essentially had zero knowledge of anything within the programming realm. The mindset of being able to dig myself out of a hole instead of having to rely on other people I think is one trait that will be invaluable while working remotely.

What hindered your progress during Onboarding?

In the first week I espicially suffered from a lack of organization. I was crunched for time and felt like the work load was being piled up faster than I was able to work through it.

How did you overcome challenges during Onboarding?

I overcame the challenges by using a brute force attitude to time commitment. I was able to get through all the material by extending out the ammount of time I was studying. In the future I would like to hone in my efficiency when tackling new problems or material as to produce the greatest output I can muster in a timely manner that doesn't leave me exhausted. Work smarter not harder.