Month Two (Post Bootcamp) October


Last month I was mainly focusing my time I making sure I retained all the information and skills from the bootcamp. This month as far as job hunting goes, I'm trying to make some local connections by attending and joining the various tech groups and meet ups around town. I feel I have finished revewing all the information from the bootcamp and now aim on focusing on building some mini projects. So far I have mainly be using JavaScript and Next.js to build these. I think next month I will try to do a full stack backend project and utalize Python/Django. I have also been scatching the surface at learning C# as it appears to be a language I am seeing a lot of demand for while I have been job hunting.


I am excited for this career switch but have definitely felt the switch in environment difficult at times. I oddly realize now in hindsight that I enjoyed the stress and deadlines that came along with projects and feeling a certain level of expectation for quality of work coming from the tutors. I have managed to stay self disciplined so far and have overall kept to my daily plans for studying and working although at the time of writing this I'm in bed with the flu so the last few days have not been my most productive.