(WEEK 3)

What is the number one thing that held you back this week? Why?

Definitely figuring out how to approach problem-solving, I felt confident going into this week. My understanding of JavaScript syntax and what I'm looking at on the screen is coming together. Although I was cut down to size and felt a little dissapointed in myself after this weeks project. I realized that merely knowing and understanding syntax doesn't get you very far. I need to become much more methodical and calculated in how I approach future projects.

What is one thing you would like to learn more about regarding JavaScript (JSON, Data Structures), Bootstrap, or Atomic Design?

I would like to gain a deeper knowledge of what Bootstrap is capable of. Currently, I have a preference for using standard CSS, but I'm curious to see whether that will change once I'm more familiar with Bootstrap.

What is your “Why”?

I'm a creative at my core. I enjoy the process of learning new skills and then using those skills to craft something that I or other people may find useful, interesting, or entertaining. I'd be lying if I said I'm driven by grandiose ideas of legacy or believing I'm going to have some big impact on the world. I figure I only get one life, and I may as well fill it with things I find interesting. Programming has fallen into that category.