(WEEK 13)

After making it through the tech stack, where do you think your current gaps are?”

Since the bootcamp has moved so quickly I think I will need to spend time after our capstone project to go back and really refine my knowledge of the different languages and frameworks we have been introduced to. I cannot think of a sepcific gap but rather a general lack of a DEEP understanding on the tech stack we have been using.

What is your opinion on documentation? (MVP, Stories, Points, Markdown, Personas, Readme, Pseudocode, etc.)

I have mixed feelings on documentation. I see it's benefit, and I think it's benefit would be espicailly evident when doing a large project in a team that requires collaboration. Although it some cases, there can be risk of over planning a project. When there is limited time to complete a project there is a balance to strike between knowing how much planning will aid you in meeting a deadline with a quality product and when you've crossed a line into wasting time you could spend actually jumping in a coding the project.