(WEEK 14)

What was your experience like overall in the Bootcamp?

There is no doubt that this bootcamp was worth it. As a person who had zero prior experience in coding or anything tech related I almost cannot believe the ammount I was able to learn in a 14 week period. The group I was with and our tutors were all great, supportive helpful people to be around. It was definately a challenging course and there were plenty of time I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and stressed out with all the deadlines and sheer volume of material I needed to learn. Now that the course is over however it's become clear to me that I thrive in that sort of environment, I like the structure, the challenege and the time crunch of the projects. It offers a level of drive and adrenaline which is an odd combination of stress and fufillment.

Take a look back at your blog posts over the last 16 weeks. Where do you see yourself growing the most? What is one thing that pops out as you being misinformed or that you think is funny compared to what you know now?

I think what I find funny is looking back on what I thought of as challenging tasks at the beginning of the bootcamp. Things as simple as understand what loops and functions were seemed to be on par with quantim physics only for them to become just second nature after a few weeks. Now that the course is finished I plan to keep studying what I have learnt and would like to take a look at C# and .net which were not covered in the bootcamp.

If someone important was to read this blog, who would flatter you the most?

Theres nobody that I specifically look up to in the tech industry in all honesty but I would certainly get a buzz from knowing that any of the tech giant were to somehow stumble upon my blog. Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, Elon Musk etc..

Will you continue this blog throughout the rest of post-work? How about for the rest of the year? How about the rest of your life? Will you keep posting? Will you need to be stopped?

Yet to be seen, I may keep adding to this blog but on a less frequent basis and only when something note worthy comes up along my journey into become a programmer.