(WEEK 6)

Do you think JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries are easy or hard to use? Why?

Currently, I find them challenging to use. I do recognize that they have the potential to streamline the coding process in the long run. However, since I'm still in the early stages of learning how to work with React, I find it more difficult compared to working with vanilla JavaScript.

What Frameworks or Libraries are you interested in learning more about?

I'm not familiar with most of the frameworks out there. Right now, I would like to become more comfortable using React, the library we were introduced to this week. I have a good grasp of how functional components are used and how to utilize the useState hook, but there's a rabbit hole in React that I intend to dive into.

Find one emerging JavaScript tool that you would like to learn more about or use in your final project.

I intend to work on a final project that involves incorporating a library capable of producing audio, which I can utilize to create aural training exercises for musicians. So I would like to explore and determine the most suitable library for my project, as well as learn how to leverage its full potential.