(WEEK 8)

Now that you are halfway through bootcamp, what has been the biggest hurdle that you have gone past? What do you think is going to be the next biggest thing to power through?

I think my biggest hurdles in the bootcamp have been more or less the same since day one. The answer being retention and how quicky I'm able to adapt to new concepts and information. It's incredibly fast paced, to a point where I'm questioning whether I'm absorbing all the information needed before we move on to the next topic

Compared to earlier, what are three ideas you might want to do for your final project? Are they the same ideas as before, or have they changed now that you understand more about the technology and your limitations?

My idea since day one of the bootcamp, which hasn't changed, has been to create an app that aids in aural ear training for musicians. Thats the idea I'm gunning for but if for whatever reason that idea doesn't work out then I'm also considering an app targeted towards climbers, something similiar to mountain project or an app that keeps track of famous musicians and their current gear stack.

What surprised you about your first week in Python and how was it different from your first week in JavaScript?

The syntax is a lot for refined and simplified compared to JavaScript which I will end up liking, although I found myself typing JavaScript into Python out of muscle memory ao I'm going to have to override my brain to get use to both languages.